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Science Daily: MS News

ScienceDaily: Multiple Sclerosis News

Posted: 23 Apr 2013 06:11 AM PDT
Magnetic resonance imaging measurements of atrophy in an important area of the brain are an accurate predictor of multiple sclerosis (MS), according to a new study. According to the researchers, these atrophy measurements offer an improvement over current methods for evaluating patients at risk for MS.

'Sexy' MS Research

“Sexy” MS Research
Posted: 08 Apr 2013 08:16 AM PDT

UCLA Department of Neurology

I guess my fascination with the immune system started when I was a kid with bad asthma. I was always on steroids or some type of shot, and I didn’t understand why other kids were well when I wasn’t. 

Why was my immune system so over reactive compared to other kids? Doctors were heroes who made me feel better (even with all the shots), and that heroism was part of what drew me to medical school. I also loved learning about the brain – which is really “who we are.” This made the study of the immune system attacking the brain a perfect area for my career.

Fast forward to today, 22 years into a career studying multiple sclerosis. One area I focus on is studying gender differences in MS. Women get MS three or four times as often as men, and when men do get MS it’s usually more progressive. Why? That’s the sexy part – sex differences I mean. To this end, we are pursuing whether differences in sex chromosomes or normally circulating levels of sex hormones impact disease susceptibility and disease progression.

Another area is related to pregnancy. In the third trimester of pregnancy, women with MS see up to a 70 percent reduction in relapse rates. So, my research teams and I are currently testing pregnancy levels of the hormone estriol administered in a daily pill (hormone or placebo) to non-pregnant women with MS. In our two-year multi-center trial where all participants have relapsing-remitting MS and use Copaxone, the primary outcome measurement is frequency of relapses. In our new one-year trial, the primary outcome measurement is cognitive improvement; this trial includes women with relapsing remitting as well as secondary progressive MS who use any FDA-approved disease-modifying treatment.

We’re testing estriol primarily because it’s unique to pregnancy, it’s safe, and because it helped improve lost cognitive function when administered to mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE: the “mouse form” of MS). Mice with EAE have cognitive effects similar to those in MS – demonstrated by their behavior and in lost nerve endings (called synapses) – and in mice with the MS model of disease, estriol treatment improves that behavior and rebuilds those nerve endings. Amazing!

I hope you’re as excited as I am at how close this means we are to finding a treatment that is neuro-protective (serving to protect neurons/nerves from injury or degeneration) and could therefore have disease-halting capabilities, and maybe even some improvement effects. How novel that a naturally occurring, safe pregnancy hormone could prove to protect neurons from further damage, effectively stopping MS in its tracks! We’ll share results in 2014 and 2015.

Today, thousands of people are gathered at our nation’s capital for the Rally for Medical Research – to raise awareness of the critical need to make funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) a priority. You don’t have to be there in person to show your support! My research would not be possible without funding from the NIH and the National MS Society. While the pharmaceutical industry is extremely important to bring new therapies to market, it’s hard for them or other investors to support research into products such as naturally occurring hormones or generic solutions because they won’t be as profitable. Academics like me are out there doing novel research toward new treatments not only to slow MS, but to stop and reverse it, through the pathway of NIH, Society and other generous donor funding and partnership. You can support this pathway, not just through donationsto the Society, but through activism. Ask your member of Congress to preserve funding for the NIH – it’s one email with a potentially HUGE response.

If I had to give one piece of advice to people with MS, it would be: please keep faith that the treatments are coming – they’re getting better all the time! There are thousands of people like me who go to work every day to bring you better and more treatment options; comment below if you want to hear more about our sexy MS research.

The March 2013 Edition of 
Making Sense Newsletter 
is now available.
Click here to read it.

You can also access previous editions of the Newsletter.
Select March 2012 or June 2012

Ampligen and CFS/ME

 Science Daily Website
Posted: 24 Jan 2013 03:34 PM PST

Ampligen, the first drug ever seeking approval to treat chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), recently hit another roadblock with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

In its long quest to treat 1 million Americans suffering from this debilitating illness, the FDA advisory panel did not recommend the drug to be sold on the market, largely because CFS/ME doesn't have clear biomarkers such as blood tests to define patients who most likely to respond to the drug. 

A leading clinician argues that the real loser is not Ampligen, but CFS/ME patients whose daily suffering continues to be unabated.

Exciting NASA CONGRESS Information

Click HERE to find out more.....

Can Hormone Help Treat Multiple Sclerosis Long-Term?
March 10-2013  

A new study suggests that treatment with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) may be helpful for people whose multiple sclerosis (MS) is not well-controlled through their regular treatment. The study was released today and will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology's 65th Annual Meeting in San Diego, March 16 to 23, 2013.

Common MS Drugs

Common Multiple Sclerosis Drugs Taken Together Do Not Reduce Relapse Risk 
March 11-2013 

A recent clinical trial found that interferonβ-1a (INF) and glatiramer acetate (GA), two of the most commonly prescribed drugs for multiple sclerosis (MS), provide no additional clinical benefit when taken together. While findings published today in Annals of Neurology, a journal of the American Neurological Association and Child Neurology Society, suggest that taking both INF and GA together was not superior to GA monotherapy in reducing relapse risk; the combination therapy does appear to reduce new lesion activity and total lesion volume.

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Dear all,

Please join us on the 
23rd February 2013 at 11 am 
for some Greek meze and drinks and listen to a talk by renowned neurologist Dr. Dominic Giampaolo. He will give a general talk about the condition and also speak of new things to come on the horizon.

Come and listen and ask the questions that you've always wanted to address. Venue will be at the Greek Orthodox Church Hall, cnr. Miller and Edward streets in Sofiatown, Johannesburg. 

Please attend and find out what’s going on with MS!

Benefit on 14 February 2013 - Santa's Story

Thembi's 2013 Message

Dear MSSA Inland Members,

Welcome to 2013! And once again welcome to our blog!

I want to take this opportunity to wish each of you a blessed new year but most of all a very healthy and happy 2013.

As always we at Inland are here to assist you with any of your MS needs and do not hesitate to give us a call on the Helpline 0860 45 6772 or send us an e-mail at we love hearing from our members.

Best Wishes!

Thembi Sene
Chairperson Inland Branch

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